My name is Adah R., and am the person behind Spotted dreams studio . I’m a collector, customizer, blogger, photo shower, and judge. Silver Web Studios reached out to the OMHPS community and asked for guest bloggers, so I volunteered to write a post. :) Please note that in this post, when I refer to 1:18 scale, I am speaking of the general vague scales that surround the common rubber brands. They vary from 1:18-1:20. The model horse community as a whole seems to have discarded the 1:18th scale with their carpet herd. When a collector mentions the brand names Schleich, CollectA, Papo, Mojo, etc. the typical image is of an 8yr old holding a rubbed up rubber. Maybe we can picture a nice one in a show ring, but then we form a prejudice around cost. “Well, I paid $175 for my horse that I entered in that class. That rubber probably only cost about $10.” Maybe so. But some of my best horses have cost under $20, and I guarantee you’ve had a few too. Ever been surprised at how well a RR SM ...